SEAwise Systematic Reviews

This app. provides access to the results from the range of SEAwise systematic reviews, with the themes Socio-economic Interactions with Fishing, Ecological Effects on Fishing, Ecological Effects of Fishing, Spatial Management. These are scoping type reviews, because they cover broad topics for which it is not feasible to dive deep into details. Therefore, the qualitative data that can be accessed from these reviews, are designed to make any further data-extraction easier by providing pre-screened, and filterable records. Subsets of records from these reviews could be used for a systematic meta-analysis, with further specific data extraction, or as a method of selecting the best available data for parameterising broader ecosystem models.

Combined Results

This front page provides an indication of where and when the articles reviewed for each of the reviews are from, allows you to apply time and space filters and download the resulting filtered data.

The downloaded file from this front page contains bibliographic information for each record, as well as the common fields that were extracted by each of the different reviews. These fields cover temporal and spatial scale, sampling methods/data sources, broad analytical methods and some quality assessments. These quality assessments are based on the appropriateness of the different scales of observations and the analyses employed to meet the studies' own stated aims and objectives.

Theme Specific Results

More specific review data can be investigated, filtered and downloaded using the different tabs at the top of the page

The filters and displays in these pages are works in progress and feedback will be used to ensure they are further developed to be useful and appropriate.

SEAwise Systematic Reviews

This app. provides access to the results from the range of SEAwise systematic reviews, with the themes Socio-economic Interactions with Fishing, Ecological Effects on Fishing, Ecological Effects of Fishing, Spatial Management. These are scoping type reviews, because they cover broad topics for which it is not feasible to dive deep into details. Therefore, the qualitative data that can be accessed from these reviews, are designed to make any further data-extraction easier by providing pre-screened, and filterable records. Subsets of records from these reviews could be used for a systematic meta-analysis, with further specific data extraction, or as a method of selecting the best available data for parameterising broader ecosystem models.

Socio-economic Interactions with Fishing

The purpose of this systematic review was to identify the critical social and economic aspects of fisheries, relevant social and economic indicators, and regionally‐relevant management measures to be considered in the evaluations of different management strategies later in the project. For more details please see the Deliverable Report 2.1.

The downloaded file from this tab contains bibliographic information for each record, the common fields that were extracted by each of the different reviews, as well as a series of binary information fields specific to WP2, i.e. the socio-economic interactions with fisheries.

The filters and displays on this page include the spatio-temporal ones seen on the front page as well as a few example filters selected from all of the possible variables extracted from these records. This list of radio buttons is a work in progress and your feedback will be used to ensure they developed to be useful and appropriate.

SEAwise Systematic Reviews

This app. provides access to the results from the range of SEAwise systematic reviews, with the themes Socio-economic Interactions with Fishing, Ecological Effects on Fishing, Ecological Effects of Fishing, Spatial Management. These are scoping type reviews, because they cover broad topics for which it is not feasible to dive deep into details. Therefore, the qualitative data that can be accessed from these reviews, are designed to make any further data-extraction easier by providing pre-screened, and filterable records. Subsets of records from these reviews could be used for a systematic meta-analysis, with further specific data extraction, or as a method of selecting the best available data for parameterising broader ecosystem models.

Ecological Effects on Stock Productivity

The purpose of this systematic review was to collate the knowledge and science available about the impact of environmental drivers on the productivity of commercial species.

The downloaded file from this tab contains bibliographic information for each record, the common fields that were extracted by each of the different reviews, as well as a raft of other information regarding the details of different drivers investigated, the stocks (and specifically the demographic rates) that were influenced by the specific environmental conditions. Furthermore, evaluations of the types of relationships between drivers and vital rates are also provided qualitatively.

The filters and displays on this page include the spatio-temporal ones seen on the front page as well as a few example filters selected from all of the possible variables extracted from these records. This list of filters is a work in progress and your feedback will be used to ensure they are developed to be useful and appropriate.

SEAwise Systematic Reviews

This app. provides access to the results from the range of SEAwise systematic reviews, with the themes Socio-economic Interactions with Fishing, Ecological Effects on Fishing, Ecological Effects of Fishing, Spatial Management. These are scoping type reviews, because they cover broad topics for which it is not feasible to dive deep into details. Therefore, the qualitative data that can be accessed from these reviews, are designed to make any further data-extraction easier by providing pre-screened, and filterable records. Subsets of records from these reviews could be used for a systematic meta-analysis, with further specific data extraction, or as a method of selecting the best available data for parameterising broader ecosystem models.

Fishing Impacts on Key Species and Habitats

The purpose of this systematic review was to identify which ecological impacts of fishing are key and what is known about them.

The downloaded file from this tab contains bibliographic information for each record, the common fields that were extracted by each of the different reviews, as well as a raft of other information regarding the details of different pressures that are derived from fisheries and their impacts on different ecosystem componenets.

The filters and displays on this page include the spatio-temporal ones seen on the front page as well as a few example filters selected from all of the possible variables extracted from these records. This list of filters is a work in progress and your feedback will be used to ensure they are developed to be useful and appropriate.

SEAwise Systematic Reviews

This app. provides access to the results from the range of SEAwise systematic reviews, with the themes Socio-economic Interactions with Fishing, Ecological Effects on Fishing, Ecological Effects of Fishing, Spatial Management. These are scoping type reviews, because they cover broad topics for which it is not feasible to dive deep into details. Therefore, the qualitative data that can be accessed from these reviews, are designed to make any further data-extraction easier by providing pre-screened, and filterable records. Subsets of records from these reviews could be used for a systematic meta-analysis, with further specific data extraction, or as a method of selecting the best available data for parameterising broader ecosystem models.

Drivers and Impacts of Changes in Spatial Distribution of Fish and Fisheries

The purpose of this systematic review was to identify and quantify the key drivers and pressures behind the changes occurring in commercial fish stocks and fisheries distributions. This focusses on studies that have a spatially explicit analyses. The review's primary output is to map the relevant existing scientific knowledge and provide input to the subsequent WP5 tasks.

The downloaded file from this tab contains bibliographic information for each record, the common fields that were extracted by each of the different reviews, as well as a raft of other information regarding the details of different drivers investigated and the stocks and fleets that were impacted or interacting. All records in this review utilise spatially explicit analyses.

The filters and displays on this page include the spatio-temporal ones seen on the front page as well as a few example filters selected from all of the possible variables extracted from these records. This list of filters is a work in progress and your feedback will be used to ensure they are developed to be useful and appropriate.

This shiny webApp was developed by Elliot J. Brown based on data derived from the project SEAwise, funded by the European Union's HORIZON 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No. 101000318.